With the flu season peaking I’m uber aware of germs. So many times I’m out and about with the kids and think “Dang, I’m so grateful we had our Sweet’s Syrup this morning” - there is grossness and sick people (that should be home) EVERYWHERE!!!! We are constantly using our Clean-Well hand sanitizer (free of triclosan, won’t destroy your gut health like anti-bacterial products will) I compiled a list of my top worst things to touch during flu season.


1) Gas pump. They’re always so greasy. I die if it doesn’t have the clip that locks it and I have to squeeze the whole time. I always try to find a paper towel (love when the station has the paper towels to wipe your wind shield) or something so I don’t have to touch. For me, this is the ultimate - I get why some people in Oregon freaked out when they went to self serve pumps.

pen with chain.jpg

2) Community pens - ESPECIALLY AT THE DOCTOR’S OFFICE OR PHARMACY!! Particularly if it is attached with a chain meaning it has been there forever and has been touched zillions of times. Bring your own pen!!!!


3) Condiments at restaurants - or better yet, the condiment bar….the salt and pepper, ketsup and mustard. Flavor just isn’t worth it….or use a napkin to pick them up.


4) Exercise equipment - bacteria loves moisture, especially sweat. The rhinovirus can cling to exercise equipment even after cleaning - wash your hands and bring your hand sanitizer!!


5) Credit card/ATM keypads - so many people touch these over and over. SO MANY PEOPLE!!! SO MANY GERMS!!! Love my Trader Joe’s, but you can see the germs crawling around on that greasy screen - I do appreciate the hand sanitizer they have (but like my Clean Well better).


6) Airplanes - the whole entire plane is a cess pool, but especially the tray and arm rests. Wipe em down!!! I just learned that the aisle seat (which I used to prefer) is especially covered with germs because so many passengers touch that seat when walking down the aisle or putting their luggage in the overhead. I like to bring little 2oz mini bottles of Sweet’s Syrup on the plane with me when I travel- save those cute little liquor bottles!

This just kills me - a door you have to open from the inside with a handle and no trash can by the door for a paper towel….

This just kills me - a door you have to open from the inside with a handle and no trash can by the door for a paper towel….

Love these faucets (if anyone knows the designer please let me know, I want for our remodel!)- but so much to touch in this pretty bathroom

Love these faucets (if anyone knows the designer please let me know, I want for our remodel!)- but so much to touch in this pretty bathroom

7) Public bathrooms - this one is pretty obvious. I read that soap dispensers (not automatic ones) are covered with germs… I get that, but then don’t you use the soap to wash your hands? Hmmm Huge shout out to Whole Foods and Lowe’s for these amazing foot door openers, LOVE!!!!

I’m in love

I’m in love

8) Restaurant menus - I’ve never worked in a restaurant before, so not 100% sure but I’m guessing they’re not washed down frequently - or maybe ever?! WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU EAT!!!


9) Public transit - the turnstiles, the ticket machine, the greasy metal pole to hold onto, everything. I’ll use whatever core muscles I have to balance myself and avoid holding the metal pole - if I do have to hold the bar all I’m thinking of the whole time is how quickly can I wash my hands after this. Just writing this and thinking about it gives me the heeby-jeebies….

10 Waiting rooms - ESPECIALLY DOCTOR’S OFFICES!!! Don’t read the magazines - Think of people licking their finger to help turn a page….


I could have kept going and going and going with this list - but these are the tops! Key is to take your daily dose of Sweet’s Elderberry Syrup! We take an extra dose if we know we’ll be somewhere really germy. Wash hands and bring your Clean-Well hand sanitizer!!!

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