How to Buy GOOD Honey

Sweet's Elderberry is the only elderberry syrup maker around who rotates our syrup recipe's raw honey based on the season.  This gives you maximum seasonal allergy support by incorporating the pollen that's likely to bother you, right then.

Honey's benefits are tremendous:

  • 27 minerals
  • 22 amino acids
  • 5,000 different live enzymes
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Antioxidants
  • Season-specific pollen

Together these kill bacteria and fungus, protect your body from cell damage, reduce inflammation, soothe cough, ease seasonal allergy symptoms, and support healthy digestion.  

Honey has always been highly regarded as a medicine - for everything from sore throats and digestive discomfort to hay fever and acne.

It's the only food we eat that contains pinocembrin, an antioxidant associated with improved brain function.  Pinocembrin is also found in a couple of herbs - oregano and wild marjoram - as well as ginger root, another key ingredient in Sweet's Syrup!

Shopping for honey can be a VERY confusing experience, so let's break it down.  

So many choices...

Completely Raw Honey =The BEST.  It's unheated, unpasteurized, unfiltered and unstrained.  Containing propolis (the "glue" used to hold a hive together), wax, and pollen, it's full of beneficial live enzymes, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds.  It crystallizes (turns to a solid) easily, and might be crystallized when you buy it.  Just put the container in a cup of warm (not hot!) water before use, and the honey will liquefy.  The best place to find honey in its purest state is your local farmer's market.

Raw Unfiltered / Raw Filtered / Raw Strained = NEXT BEST:  This honey may be strained to remove larger chunks.  It may have been warmed slightly during processing to ease straining, but hasn't been heated enough to lose its raw, unpasteurized status.  It still contains all the healthful live enzymes, pollen, and some propolis.

Creamed Honey / Spun Honey = GOOD FOR A TREAT:  Some makers spin or blend their honey to create a creamy texture, but they may have pasteurized it to prevent crystallization.  It's absolutely delicious, but is missing many of the key benefits of raw honey.  

Pasteurized Honey / Honey Showing No "Raw" Label = AVOID:  Most of the honey you find in mainstream grocery stores has been heated above "raw" standards, killing most beneficial enzymes.  It tends to be very clear, and will crystallize slowly (if at all).  The label may say "pure honey," but don't be fooled.  There's no labeling standard for "pure honey," so it may well contain a filler like corn syrup.  Be especially cautious with imported honey.  Sometimes Chinese honey is cut with cheap corn syrup to enhance profit margins.  Highly processed honey has very few health benefits, and simply adds sugar to your diet.

Why all the flavors?  When you find a good, quality honey, don't fret over whether it's labeled clover, wildflower, buckwheat, or orange blossom.  There's a slight flavor variation depending on what plants the bees visited, but this doesn't affect nutritional value at all.  Experiment and see what flavor your family enjoys!

More important is selecting a raw honey that is local to YOU.  It will contain pollen from foliage native to your region, potentially helping you navigate seasonal allergies.  Check the label or ask the beekeeper where the honey was harvested.

Sweet's Syrup is made with Herb's Honey - the finest in the Southeast - carefully preserving the live enzymes by pouring the raw honey ONLY after our syrup has cooled.  

If you'd like to incorporate your local honey into elderberry syrup, use a Sweet's Do-It-Yourself Kit!  Each easy kit yields 32 ounces of antioxidant-rich, delicious syrup, at a budget-friendly price.

Do-It-Yourself Elderberry Syrup Kit with a bottle of raw seasonal honey, behind a white bowl containing a chunk of honeycomb, amid scattered elderberry leaves

Note: Raw honey is not recommended for babies under 12 months and is sometimes discouraged during pregnancy.  If you'd like a honey-free elderberry option, check out Sweet's Daily Defense Tincture or Elderberry Extract.   

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