RSV: When It's More Than A Cold


The average kid has six to eight upper respiratory infections a year.  Sometimes, it's respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.
Like the flu, RSV is highly contagious and spreads quickly through the droplets we breathe and cough out.  It ramps up in fall and winter, especially when we gather for the holidays, then gradually decreases in the spring.
Nearly all kids will have RSV before age 2.  Adults can get it too.  For most people, it's no big deal - just a few days of runny nose, cough, and low fever.  
But for others, the virus can trigger serious complications, including bronchiolitis (inflammation of the lung's tiny airways), pneumonia, and respiratory failure.  
Never hesitate to call 911 or your provider if you think your little one or an elderly person in your care is struggling to breathe, especially alongside cold symptoms.  
  • Wheezing
  • Flaring nostrils when inhaling
  • Faster-than-normal breathing
  • Belly breathing, or sucking in between or below the ribs or at the base of the neck with each breath
  • Odd pauses in breathing (apnea)
  • Bluish or grayish color to the skin, lips, tongue, or fingernail beds
  • Listlessness and reduced alertness
  • Head bobbing or grunting in infants and toddlers
  • High fever

RSV complications are more likely in:
  • Babies who were preemies
  • Infants under 6 months old
  • Anyone who has chronic heart, lung or immune system problems
  • Anyone with muscular disorders that affect swallowing or coughing. 
  • Anyone who smokes or is exposed to secondhand smoker. 
Since RSV is a virus, antibiotics won’t help.  RSV treatment includes drinking plenty of fluids and using a cool-mist humidifier to ease breathing. For babies, more frequent feedings and nasal suctioning can help. 
Elderberry can soothe sore throat, reduce inflammation in breathing passages, and slow viral replication.

Most people won't require a hospital for RSV.  If you do need to go, you'll be given IV fluids, oxygen, and respiratory support.


Proactive wellness goes a LONG way to help your family and community through cold, flu and RSV season.  This involves:
🧼Frequent hand washing, especially around infants and other at-risk groups
🛌Good sleep
🥗Balanced eating
🏃‍♀️ Regular exercise
🌞Sunshine and fresh air, and
💕Quality supplements like Sweet’s Elderberry to support a healthy immune response.
We're happy to help you choose the organic Sweet's product that best fits your needs.  Email with any questions, anytime.


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