Five Foods for Heart Health


The heart is the hardest working muscle in your body! 
  • With every heartbeat, it pumps out 2 ounces of blood.
  • In a single day, it beats about 100,000 times and moves at least 2,500 gallons of blood. 
  • Over a lifetime, your heart might beat over 2.5 billion times! 
cupped hands holding a red heart
All Americans - but especially women - are encouraged to focus on their cardiovascular health.
Heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined, and yet most women don't know it's their greatest health threat!
  • Among American females 20 years and older, nearly 45% are living with some form of cardiovascular disease.
  • Less than 50% of women entering pregnancy in the U.S. have good heart health.
  • Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of new moms, and accounts for over one-third of maternal deaths.

Woman with Dark Hair and Purple Sweater Holding Her Hands Over Her Heart

Support your heart by adding these foods to your menu!  
FISH: Salmon, tuna, and trout are high in Omega-3 fatty acids that support clean arteries and good blood pressure.
LEAN MEATS: low-fat beef, pork tenderloin, and skinless poultry are good sources of healthy protein.
EGGS: Be sure to eat the yolks too!  They're rich in choline (important for your brain) and are not as harmful to cholesterol as doctors once thought.
LEGUMES: Mix it up with black-eyed peas, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, and lima beans!
ELDERBERRY: All antioxidant-rich foods are good for your heart, but elderberry has specific benefits!  Have you had your Sweet's Elderberry today?
Heart Health Benefits of Elderberry
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